Hello lovelies! Today I’m coming at ya with a get unready with me routine!


A couple weeks ago, I shared my skincare routine; today I’m going to be talking about my routine when I have makeup on and my nighttime regime.

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A lot of these products are similar to the ones in my skincare routine post, but I’ve added my makeup removal product and taken out my morning face wash!


I used to remove my makeup with wipes; in fact, I tried so many different types in my short life that I was able to write a comparison review here. But after hearing all the hype about micellar water, I decided to give it a try and I wasn’t disappointed. I went for Garnier because I heard it was a dupe for its Bioderma counterpart and it’s much more affordable.

It probably removes 90% of my makeup and it doesn’t leave my skin feeling stripped. Usually, I would move on to using my face wash right away, but I’ve noticed that my skin feels fine before washing it again. I wouldn’t recommend this to be your only step to remove all your makeup, but in a pinch, this could probably work to be your only cleanser.

Also, as someone with oily skin, I have to say, it doesn’t make my face feel tight and shiny. Instead, my skin has a healthy, clean glow, and that’s pretty impressive for a makeup removing product.


Next, I go in with my daily scrub from Aveeno to do some quick exfoliating. I don’t like to use this daily, but I find it necessary if I’ve been wearing makeup because of how dirty my skin feels. I don’t think of this as a miracle product, but I do like how fine their microbeads are so it doesn’t scratch the skin as much compared to other exfoliants.


Next, I use my holy grail face wash to fight off any incoming acne. This tends to dry out my skin a bit, but that’s because of the benzoyl peroxide. Even though it has only 3.5%, it’s still pretty strong. I only use this at night because I find that’s when it works the best and it does make your skin a little more sensitive to sunlight.


After I wash my face, I immediately move onto my toner. I broke out recently due to that time of the month and the stress of finals causing me to pull all-nighters and eat junk food, so I’ve been dealing with the aftermath because I scarred quite a bit this time around.

This toner is supposed to have glycolic acid, which is an exfoliant that can help brighten and even out your skin tone. I’ve been religiously keeping up with it lately in hopes that it’ll fade my acne scars faster.


Lastly, I use my Nature Republic Aloe Vera Gel to lightly moisturize my skin. This sinks into your skin quickly while keeping it feeling nice and soft. I would recommend this to people with normal to oily skin because of its light moisturizing properties. It also smells amazing!

So that’s my get unready with me process! Like I mentioned in my skincare routine post, I want to add more things into my skincare routine, especially for the nighttime. I think our skin really works hard to keep itself healthy while we sleep, so I want to feed it good products to help it along. Specifically, I’m looking into serums, essences, and maybe eye creams and I don’t mind trying out different scrubs.

I hope this post was helpful in some way and I’ll see you lovelies tomorrow!


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