
I did it! Today marks one month of blogging; I can’t believe how quickly it’s gone by! #happyonemonth ☺

I’ve enjoyed blogging so much in the past few weeks and I’m excited to keep going. Thank you so much to anyone who’s visited my blog and read my posts or even if you just stopped by quickly; all of it means a lot to me, so thank you. ♥

And since we’re at the beginning of a new month, it’s time for another monthly product review! So here’s what I’ve been loving, liking, or disliking in the last month.


I’ve been playing around with this hairspray since I purchased it. Curling my hair is a bit of a pain these days because of the summer heat, but I’ve been trying out different styles. On my first time, I used too much product, so it left my hair feeling crunchy and tangled.

I’ve been experimenting with using less hairspray which yielded better results, but I’m not sure if it holds my curls well enough yet. Before I tried this product, I read rave reviews on this product so I’m hoping that with more experimentation, I can see what all the hype was about.

Rating: Maybe?


I was super excited to use this eyeliner when I first got it; this was a part of my first mini haul. I expected it to be creamy and long-lasting since it claimed to be waterproof. However, I don’t think I love this liner. When used on the waterline, it smears and I also found it hard to sharpen.

However, it works fine on the lid, it’s creamy, and it didn’t give an allergic reaction. When I read reviews of this product after purchasing, I found that most people don’t really like the brown and black shades; the nude one apparently works better. However, I’ll keep using it because it’s nice to have on natural days, but I probably won’t repurchase it.

Rating: Maybe?


This is a nail polish I’ve been wearing recently and I really like it. I bought this along with another nail polish that you can see in my second mini haul. I have noticed that it chips really easily, but I think it’s because I applied a heavy layer so I want to redo them to see if that helps with the chipping. Otherwise, I think this is a really pretty shade for the summer.

Rating: Yes!


This eyeshadow was also in my second mini haul. Lately, I’ve been into clean eyeshadow looks and baby winged liner so this eyeshadow has been really good for that. It almost matches my skin tone so it slightly brightens up that area and creates a nice, clean base. I also love that it’s a matte shade, which can be a little hard to find when it comes to drugstore shadows.

Rating: Yes!

Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset

An example of my latest favorite makeup look: a clean eyeshadow look and baby winged eyeliner


This was another product from my second mini haul. I wanted to try out a primer because I always struggle with wearing foundation on my oily skin. My current foundation lasts on my skin pretty well but my oils break it down by the end of the day.

This summer, I wanted to find something that would keep my oils at bay and this product does seem to help a bit. The first few times, I found that my skin wasn’t as oily and it even added a glow, which was amazing. So I do think it’s helping out my skin and I’m going to keep testing it out. It also doesn’t break me out, which is another bonus.

Rating: Yes!


I reviewed this product last month in my May Product Review and I said that I wasn’t really using it but I felt like it was a good product. However, this month I’ve been using it almost daily because I like the way it brightens underneath my eyes.

Like I said last month, I don’t really need it but I enjoy using it. It doesn’t crease underneath my eyes and it has good coverage so I want to change my rating now. I would definitely recommend it and I can see why it’s a cult favorite.

Rating: Yes!


I’ve been enjoying wearing these earrings for the last couple months, but it wasn’t until I thought I lost one of them recently that I realized how much I liked them. I got these from Forever 21 in a set of other earrings.

Rating: Yes!


My other fashion favorite would have to be these sandals. I bought these at Target a few months ago and I’ve been wearing them nonstop. I think they look really cool and although some people might not like the zipper detail, I think it makes them look unique. They’re also comfortable and don’t take long to break in.

Rating: Yes!

And those are my product reviews/fashion favorites for this month! I hope you find this post useful in some way and that you enjoyed reading it! Let me know what you’ve been liking or have been disappointed with in the last month; I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments below. ☺ I’ll see you lovelies tomorrow!



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