Hello lovelies! It’s been a while since I’ve done a Skin Deep post so let’s jump into my current skincare routine!


My skincare routine is nothing elaborate and I don’t own any expensive products, but I do believe skincare is a worthwhile investment. On the other hand, skincare doesn’t have to break the bank. Sometimes it’s the simplest products with the most natural ingredients that can help make your skin look its best.

With that said, here are the products I’m currently using for my skin!


Disclaimer: I am not a dermatologist nor do I claim to know about proper skincare. I use these products because of research I’ve done for my skin type and this is what I’ve found to work for me. I have oily, acne-prone skin with some scarring, texture, and discoloration.


After I’ve taken off my makeup, I use the Aveeno Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Daily Scrub to make sure the rest of my makeup has been taken off. It also softens my skin and makes it feel smoother afterwards.

What I like about this product is that it doesn’t have large beads or chunks of exfoliants which makes it a little gentler to use. Their granules are much smaller than, say, the St. Ives Apricot Scrub (although their formulation has improved).

I don’t think my skin is brighter and I can’t tell if it’s more even-toned, but my skin feels much cleaner afterwards.

I do use this every day for the most part, but I skip it if I’m having a makeup-free day.


This is probably the most important part of my skincare routine. I use the Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser and Mask after the Aveeno scrub because of the benzoyl peroxide. For some reason, whenever I use this at night, I wake up with clearer skin.

I would have to say that this product is probably the reason why I can maintain better skin for the most part. I don’t use this in the morning unless my skin is being especially bad (aka right now, haha) but I mainly use this at night because it can be drying and sting a bit with too much usage. Although I’ve used this face wash for almost 4 years, I still can’t use it twice a day because it’s quite strong even with 3.5% benzoyl peroxide.

Over the years, I’ve found that benzoyl peroxide is better at clearing up my acne than salicylic acid. For others, it may be different, but not to worry; there are plenty of cleansers with salicyclic acid as well! I actually think it’s harder to find products with benzoyl peroxide in them.

I will admit, I do pop my blemishes before I use this because I find that helps the product kill the pimple quicker and the next day, the spot will be almost gone. I know popping your pimples is bad, but I only do it whenever I’m about to wash my face or right before I jump in the shower so I’m not letting the bacteria sit on my skin!


After I’ve washed my face, I then pat on the Pixi Glow Tonic. I’ve heard that glycolic acid can help with resurfacing your skin and can lighten discoloration such as acne scars or sun spots. It’s supposed to be a good anti-aging product as well as help with acne.

It seems like a cult product in the YouTube and blogging world, but I think the buzz about this has died down a bit. I don’t know how well this works for me, but I’d like to hope my acne scars fade faster when I use this. My scars don’t tend to last very long anyways; they can fade within a couple weeks to a couple months, so I don’t think that’s too bad.

I use this only at night and I don’t use a cotton pad because I don’t want to waste product, so that means I just pour some in my hand and then smooth it over my skin. It has an interesting scent, but you get used to it after a while.

I don’t know if this makes a huge difference in my skin, but it feels really nice!


After my toner, I then moisturize my face with the Nature Republic Soothing and Moisture Aloe Vera Gel. It’s supposed to be 92% aloe vera gel and it can be used as a moisturizer on your face or all over your body.

I find that this is a super lightweight moisturizer and I love how it feels on my skin. It sinks in super quickly without residue, which makes it great for oily skin. I have found that over time, I need to use more to get the same feeling of moisture in my skin, but I’m not sure if that’s just me or the product doing that.

I’ve actually talked about all the benefits of using aloe vera here, so you should check that out too!


And that’s it for my nighttime routine! For the mornings, I like to cleanse my face to get rid of any dirt and oil that my skin may have produced while I was sleeping and right now, I’m currently using the Burt’s Bees Brightening Daily Facial Cleanser.

I was previously using the Soap Bark and Chamomile version, but I thought the brightening version was interesting (I guess I really like brightening products, haha).

At first, I thought it smelled like 7-UP or Sprite. I don’t know, I just think it smells like a sweet fizzy drink, so I don’t know if that’s a scent that people would like. I personally don’t mind it, but I would prefer something unscented.

It’s a somewhat thick cream like the Soap Bark and Chamomile version and it doesn’t foam up. It claims to brighten skin with daisy extract and it’s 100% natural, which is nice.

I don’t think I’ve noticed any brightening effects, but it’s not a bad morning cleanser. One thing to note is not to expect it to take off your makeup like it advertises. I think those are two completely different things, so I usually don’t trust anything that says it’ll cleanse your face and remove your makeup.

I think I’ll either go back to the Soap Bark and Chamomile or try something else, but I’ll be finishing this up first.

So that’s my skincare routine! I hope you found this helpful; remember, what works for me may or may not work for you and vice versa, so just take this information with a grain of salt.

My preferences are to try to find more natural products and I believe in double cleansing (removing makeup then washing your face). I like benzoyl peroxide more over salicyclic acid and I’m not opposed to having a larger skincare routine

I do plan on trying out other products in the future. My Neutrogena Cleanser is an absolute essential in my routine, but my morning cleanser and scrub aren’t super special to me, so I feel like they can be replaced. In addition, I want to add a serum and essence into my routine, but we’ll see!

I hope you enjoyed this post and I’ll see you lovelies tomorrow!




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